Mission Statement
We the members of the LaPorte First United Methodist Church personally accept Christ’s challenge to make disciples of all people. We are dedicated to the spiritual growth of God’s Kingdom through worship, prayer, Christian education, fellowship, and service. Therefore, we will lovingly gather people into community, nurture their relationship with God, and encourage their ministry.
What do United Methodists believe?
We believe that God has mercy and love for all people.
We believe in a triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We have faith in the mystery of salvation through Jesus Christ.
We celebrate the sacraments: Baptism and Communion.
We believe in the primacy of God’s Grace, God’s loving action through the Holy Spirit.
We believe in human dignity and moral responsibility.
We believe in conversion and new birth through the grace and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
We believe in God’s prevenient grace which leads our hearts toward faith.
We believe that faith and good works belong together.
We believe in a tolerance of different points of view within a community of believers.
Visit These Related Web Sites
The General Board of Global Ministries
The United Methodist Church Official Homepage
The Indiana area office of the United Methodist Church